"My Story" Black Dots & Collembola 5

I had a feeling I was going to have to dig deeper to find an answer to why this was happening to me. Since I already knew that the black dots that were coming out of my skin had something to do with the Collembola, I used black dots and Collemobla as words for my search. on Google. What surprised me was that I didn't find a lot of information on the black dots except for chat websites with a lot of people wanting to know if anyone knew what they were and asking for help to get rid of them. The other thing that I encountered were people who had springtails on them and the same symptoms I had, asking for help too. I found a few websites of people explaining that they had discovered that they had Collembola and how they used Fluconazole and the same shampoos I used to rid themselves of them. That was of no help to me.

The other thing I encountered were that the entomologist were stating on the internet that Springtails/Collembola under no circumstances would infest a human being and that the people who said they were infested were delusional. I knew this was wrong because of all the carcasses that fell off of me on to the white bathmat from the first permethrin cream treatment. I even encountered a few websites with students who were studying to be entomologists, who were asking for help after being infested from their own Springtails collection that they kept in a terrarium.

Most all of the stories were similar, telling about medical doctors turning them away or again telling sufferers that they were delusional. Also, many of the websites talked about doctors not knowing how to even treat the infestation or other symptoms if they did believe the victims. One website talked about skin scrapings coming up with plant DNA, man-made or engineered. Makes you think twice about GMO...

If you go on the internet you will find YouTube videos, and websites, where people talk about taking bleach baths and using other harmful chemicals on their skin and scalp. There was even great fear about the black dots coming out of the skin and government conspiracies. A man on YouTube smoking marijuana used a smoke bomb in his home to get rid of the Collembola that were now infesting his house.  I can't tell you the nightmares I had with what little sleep I got. 

Then, as I worked my way though the fear based websites and videos, understanding why there is so much fear wrapped around such a strange phenomena, I tried a few of the homemade remedies myself. I used apple cider vinegar in my hair every night after washing. I covered myself from head to toe in coconut oil for a whole week. That only aggravated the rash on my leg and it spread like wildfire. I used essential oils that dried out my hair and burned my scalp. I used an aloe vera, witch-hazel, mustered, and baking soda concoction that also dried my scalp out and made a huge mess. I covered my head in olive oil which made me break out with more bumps on my head. Someone said to use Neem oil so I used that on my head and body. I stunk, and it didn't help.

From some of the websites I found I might possibly be dealing with a strange skin issue but my dermatologist didn't seem to know what it was. Trying my Acupuncturist had done a Pulse reading on me and let me know that I had a classic case of candida and it was systemic. I believed him as fungus made sense because what was coming out of my skin seemed to be attracting the Springtails, so naturally, after looking up body fungus and getting candida, I felt confident that it was.

At the time, I was already eating all kinds of herbs, garlic, onions, organic meats and vegetables. I cut out all sugar and carbs. I drank lots of water and continued to take the herbs from my Acupuncturist along with drinking special teas to clean out my liver and organs. I didn't know what I was missing and according to the Infectious disease doctor in Dallas, I didn't have an overgrowth of Candida... Frustrated, I called the doctor in Fort Worth and made an appointment for the following week to get a second opinion on the Candida.

Information on the Springtail/Collembola 

"Folsomia Candida (Collembola): a "standard soil arthropod." Annu Rev Entomol

"Tiny Bugs Wreak Havoc"

"Swedish Medical Journal of Collembola"

"Collembola/Springtail Posts," by suffers

"Collembola a Major Role in Morgellons"

E-Health site about Collembola Treatment


  1. OK so what did you do about this. I have had ALL THE SAME HAPPENING TO ME ....HELP

  2. OK so what did you do about this. I have had ALL THE SAME HAPPENING TO ME ....HELP

    1. Had this for 4 yrs now & has ruined my looks & health!! Little help available....go to Richard Kuhns, "the parasite store" for natures gift debriding soap for symptoms. & read his book ..would love to hear from other sufferers for what you have found that works.

  3. my story is similar, as are the symptoms. now, knowing what i have. i need to deal with it., despite already trying so many remedies over three years of this mess.

  4. i too am seeing a chinese herbalist. i have the herbs. still going! at the moment i am trying Fenbendazole also.

  5. Washing your body with vinigar and dail liquid soap mixed does help

  6. Yes, vinegar and soapy water helped. For about 6 days. They came back in full force. And now, they seem immune to it. I have read hundreds of articles. So little research. Seems it is not affecting enough people for anyone to spend any money on research. My wife is going crazy from this. I am sane. And have seen the stuff she pulls out of her hair and from her body. They bite. A lot. I laugh at those who state they cannot bite. Maybe they evolved? To state it can't be true is naive. I will continue seeking help. I am emailing every scientist I can find. And every author of every article I can find. Someone has to do something. I am going to lose my wife to mania. All anyone can tell me, after I brought in samples to my doctor is they are non-human parasites. But no help other than permetherin which just pisses them off.

  7. Have you found a cure? I woke up and found a springtail on me


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