"My Story" How it Began 1

Black Dots, the infamous black dots. One of the many questions that comes up when you have this experience is what are all the black dots that look like pepper? I myself became aware of the dots floating in my bath water thinking that they were some kind of flea dirt because we have pets and that we had a problem. It was to all of my pets' horror as I crated and hauled every one of them up to our Veterinarian. But there was no need, as not one of them had fleas. That is when the Veterinarian looked me straight in the eye and told me it was something else.

So what were the black dots if they were not flea dirt? I mentioned in the last blog that I was infested with Collembola but at the time I didn't know that I was. Now that may sound strange, but it all started very gradual. First the black dots showed up, then a few weeks later, while I was sitting on the couch, I ran my hands through my hair and found a bug. It was only one bug and tiny but when I held it between my fingers I got a good look at it before it jumped from my fingers down to the floor. Naturally I assumed that I picked it up outside while I was gardening and picking weeds. After doing a search for the little critter I brushed it off as nothing that a vacuum, soak in the bath, and good hair washing wouldn't fix.

A few days later I started to notice the feeling of something crawling all over my skin and in my hair. It felt like a jumping sensation on my scalp and a feeling of something flying all around my body, landing on me here and there. The mental image that I got at the time was that I felt like the character Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon because no matter how many baths and showers I took it never went away. At first it was annoying, but then it progressed, never giving me a moment of peace, I started to panic. There was no end to the feeling of things crawling and tickling my skin.

I had a friend share with me a few years ago that she had sensations of something on her skin so I called her to find out more about it.  She told me about Morgellons but the sufferers were labeled delusional. I wasn't sure where I fit in but knew that I was feeling something that wasn't made up. Thanking her for the information I decided to do my own research about the disease.

A few days later to my relief my mother called me to let me know that my niece had been exposed to lice at school. Lice! Of course, that was it! I wasted no time running to the drugstore and buying up all the latest treatments then rushing home to treat myself and my poor husband. It worked for an hour and then the activity started up again. I did another treatment, and another, finally giving up, only to contact a professional lice eliminator making an appointment for both my husband and myself. The lice man explained to me, after I told him my symptoms in great detail, about lice and that lice don't jump. He treated us both with all he had but didn't think what I had was lice. In his opinion after working in his field for years was that I had something else.

Great, so now what? Then one of my friends mentioned bedbugs. I did an internet search and found that they can pick one person in the same bed and use them as a host. This made a lot of sense to me because after all this time, neither our animals nor my husband seemed to be affected by the bugs. My husband and I even traded sides of the bed and he was unaffected and I was tormented where ever I was. We called in the bedbug experts and they went over the whole house with a fine-tooth comb. Then, after presenting us with the bill, made the statement in their professional opinion that we had no trace of bedbugs and what was plaguing me was something else. I was relieved that it wasn't bedbugs but mystified as to what it was. Why me? By this time my husband, who had been put through the ringer, seemed to be questioning my sanity. Over dinner he stated one evening that I looked like I was fine, and he knew something was going, on but felt helpless.

Night was the worst. I covered myself up from head to toe trying to get away from the tickling feeling on my skin and the continuing feeling of things crawling on my scalp. The only time I was happy was when I was asleep. When awake, I had the constant feeling of things on me. There were times when I opened my eyes, after falling asleep from pure exhaustion, wanting desperately to fall back asleep to escape the sensations. This is why Morgellons and Nero-cutaneous syndrome has been classified as a psychological disorder. Think about it, how would you feel when you don't know what is happening to you and there is no break in the feeling of tiny bugs crawling all over you?  That was it! I called our primary care doctor whom I had known for 20 plus years.

Note to Reader;  Explanation of the Morgellon's  "Black Dots or Black Specks" 

"What are Morgellon's Fibers"

"What is NSC? Neurocutaneous-Syndrome"


CNN discussion on "Scientific Study Links Morgellon's Diesease to GM Crops, Food." 


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