The Search

If you have found this blog through a search for the word Morgellons then congratulations as you are among those who know about Morgellons in putting two and two together out of a long list of symptoms. By following this trail on the internet you will have already stumbled across all the fear around this disease and very few answers on how to cure it. Which brings me to the reason I feel so compelled to share what I know from my own experience with this disease.

First if you came to this blog because you are experiencing Morgellons symptoms you must know that it is "NOT" a disillusion disorder and you are "NOT" crazy because it is really happening to you. If you are here to learn more about the disease because you are supporting someone else, then good for you for taking the time to learn about a disease that has been misdiagnosed for centuries. As you continue to explore this journey in understanding Morgellons it will eventually be reveled that it has affected more people then we can ever imagine all around the world. It is a pandemic that we are no longer able to sweep under the carpet and pretend doesn't exist.  

So, before I start my own story, you need to know that there is help and light at the end of the tunnel. But it is a process. You also need to understand that you are not alone because there are doctors, nutritionists, scientists, holistic healers, and researchers on their own who are working to find answers. However, there is one particular doctor you need to know about at this time. Dr. Omar Amin Ph.d. has been studying Nero-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) for the last 14 years and has successfully treated it, only to find that the symptoms are very similar, almost identical, to Morgellons. The reason I know is.. Out of my own desperate search for a cure, after spending thousands of dollars, buying tons of products, and seeing 13 doctors only to be told that what I had was very rare with no answers, I found PCI.  

So what is PCI? For those who can ever imagine having an infestation of Collembola you understand how I put it together as PCI stands for Parasitology Center Inc. Collembola, otherwise known as Springtail, is classified as a prehistoric arthropod. Entomologists state on the internet that, "Springtails can never infest a human being," but they are wrong. I know this is because in May 2017 I found I was infested with these little arthropods. This was my first clue that something was not right with my body as I had attracted the little hitchhikers. Thus began my journey to search for a cure.

Below is the PCI website and publications that can help you understand the disease and how it works.

Doctor Amin's Publications;

Recovery from Morgellons and Nero-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) Patients' Perspective,%20Explore.pdf

 Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) A New Disorder

 The Face of Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) New Cases Recovery, and Perspective


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