Morgellons, Lymph nodes, Tinnitus & Raindrop therapy.

It has been too long since I last made an entry in this blog. The reason is that as I was finishing my detoxing with the Morgellons in mid February 2018, I started to hear tones in my right ear. Later I found that I had contracted Tinnitus. This was another set back for me sending me to the EMT doctor who announced that after a hearing test I had perfect hearing, but thought it had to do with TMJ.

This bit of information had me on an interesting adventure which brought me to Dr. Kathi an amazing chiropractor in Arlington, Texas to work on retraining the muscles in my jaw to stop the clenching so that I wouldn't have to use a mouth guard.  The mouth guard that I had at the time, only seemed to set the tinnitus off making the noise in my ear worse. It stood to reason at the time that the path to follow with the Chiropractor and the TMJ was another piece of the puzzle. As the months rolled by I saw the Chiropractor every week which helped with the TMJ.  I also started to do NAET  treatments with Amanda Dunn that helped eliminate any viruses and allergies that seemed to add to the tension in the  muscles. This I did every other week at her clinic in Colleyville Texas.

By May I  started to get some really good results and relief from the high pitched tones playing in my ear. Then in early June I realized that when we massaged the back of my head closer to the neck the sound in my right ear would stop. After a few minutes it would start again and I would repeat the process.  I woke up in the middle of the night  after this realization and my ears were ringing, when it downed on me to look up Epstein Barr & lymph-nodes. Later I called a Dr. friend of mine and asked about the lymph nodes getting gummed-up because of the Epstein Barr which put pressure on the nerve of the ear, triggering the tinnitus. My friend thought I was on to something and so I started to look into it, finding that flair ups of the Epstein virus could affect the lymph nodes.

The other thing that was brought to my attention was that during the detoxing of the Morgellons, Dr. Amin heavily recommended that the lymph nodes be drained either through massage or other methods. I had let that process fall away from being excited about moving through the removal of the bonding and mercury on my teeth. It was then that I realized that I was having the tinnitus because  of Not following the protocol in draining the lymphatic system and finishing the detoxing phase which caused my new dilemma.

Now after more research I understood that to get rid of the tinnitus, I needed to continue draining the Lymph nodes and get rid of the Epstein Barr virus that was blocking up the lymph nodes behind the ears. After much research I came to the conclusion that the Raindrop technique would be the least evasive and using Tea tree oil in the mix would help eliminate the virus in the body.  I called my dear friend CJ who owns a spa in Richardson, Tx and is highly skilled and trained in Raindrop Therapy.  She was on board to try the experiment. We had nothing to lose and I decided that I could be tested again for Epstein Barr in the late Fall to see if it worked.

Recommended Practitioners 

Chiropractor Dr. Kathi Arlington, TX

NAET practitioner and Acupuncturist- Amanda Dunn, Colleyville, TX

CJ- Massage Therapist, "Feel the Freedom Spa"  Richardson, TX


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