My Story, "Dr. Amin" #7

It was in early November when I realized that what I had didn't have a lot to do with the candida in my body. I knew there was something else. Waking up, and not being able to go back to sleep, because of the distraction of bugs crawling on my body, I decide to do some research. What I already knew was that I was carrying a lot of heavy metals in my body after being tested by Dr. Gonino. The highest level was from an MRI in 2013. Apparently my body didn't know how to detox with the MTHFR so it stored the metal in my cells.

This explained a lot since I was already experiencing black metallic tar coming from my pores from one of the detox treatments. Yes, Tar! Most of my 13 doctors didn't know what I had or how to treat me once I showed them the evidence. I was not carzy but a few of them made me feel like I was, so I knew if I was going to get better it was going to be up to me to find an answer of what was happening to me.

The other thing I knew was that whatever it was that I had, it seemed to get worse when I ate sugar or drank coffee. I had read from another article that a fellow sufferer who believed that it resided in the nervous system. I tested it out, and had a server reaction so I believed this whole heartily.  Heavy metals, feeling of bugs and nervous system, were the key words I plugged into Google.  When I did this over several nights, I finally came up with a website called Parasitologist Center Inc.  Not realizing I had hit pay dirt, I started to explore the website. I had come across a lot of scams but this site made since to me as I read about the doctor. Through my exploration of the site I found the Learning Center button and looked at the publications on the site. There were a lot of articles about parasites so I decided that since I couldn't sleep to read them.

It wasn't until the next day when I was at Dr. Gonino's with an IV in my arm that I came across an article about recovering from Morgellons and Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS; Patient's Perspective. There in the article I found many of my symptoms and as I stated to explore (NCS) and Morgellons I realized that I had found the answer I was looking for.  With great excitement, I started to explore the treatment for (NCS), or Morgellons on the PCI website.

I was not happy about the $350 plus fee to register, and receive the protocol for treatment. Then I realized that I had payed that to see doctors in the past few months for a 30 minute consultation only to be sent away without any answers. I decided to take the chance because of what I had read, even though I struggled with the decision. Soon after I started the supplements still wondering if it would work, all the while praying not to feel disappointed, because I didn't have anywhere else to go. It worked!!!

Three weeks later the feeling of those awful bugs hoping on me went away. I know now it is different for each individual as to how their body reacts to the herbal supplements. BUT IT WORKED!!!
For a few days when I noticed that I wasn't having all the activity on my body, I was afraid to be excited in case it came back. When it didn't, I called the center in Scottsdale AZ, and told them it was working. Apparently I was in stage 4 with the bugs, and the person that I talked to reminded me that even though the feeling of bugs had gone there was still a core reason that it happened to me. I needed to finish the protocol with a blood test to see if I was allergic to the dental material that was in my mouth.

Took me a few weeks to think about that as the only work on my teeth were three fillings and that was it. Surely, I thought that was a mistake that all this couldn't have been due to my teeth. I knew that I was tested positive for MTHFR and couldn't detox, but the teeth?  I was then reminded that if I didn't find the root cause then I was in a high possibitly of it coming back. I did the dental test!



NSC Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome

"Disseminated Dermatological Symptoms in Chrionic Cases of Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS) or Morgellons",chronoic.pdf

"A Case Against Delusional Parasitosis"

Article by Dr. Amin about "Study of Toxic Dental Materials Associated with NCS and Morgellons"

CDC Gets Involved


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