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  Stepping into Change Over the last few months there have been some great shifts that have created change in the Universe which affects everyone on the planet in some manor or fashion. And as we all move through this transition no one is left out as this experience isn't some random act of chaos but a well orchestrated form of Ascension leaving us with the question of, " how does this affect us in our everyday lives?"  So what we need to know is that during this time in our history we are all feeling the effects of a transformation that is caused by the Universe moving through some openings in portals at this time. Meaning this experiences is spotlighting things in our lives which to us may feel as chaos but is only a reflection of ourselves in what we had lost or forgotten that is now bubbling up to the surface for us to observe and look at. This is the time to let go of our fears that are holding us back to be transformed into something beautiful and inspiring instead

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